Fernando Resende
Fernando Resende spends his time doing a variety of things. Among them, he volunteers for multiple organizations including Rick Hansen Foundation as a public speaker advocating for the importance of accessibility, inclusion, adopting a try new things and never-give-up attitude regardless of your situation.
He is a husband and father and has tried almost every adaptive sport that is known. He is an avid cyclist and tennis player, having competed in both at a charity and competitive level. Presently he still focuses on handcycling but occasionally helps out with wheelchair tennis. He enjoys volunteering his time to kids with disabilities and newly injured adult programs.
Before his Spinal Cord Injury 16 years ago, he worked for many years as an Art Director primarily in publishing and advertising. He has been an avid Photographer since studying Fine Art back in University and opened FMprints.com 10 years ago. He likes to travel to interesting places and is always inspired by new surroundings, which end up being inspiration for new photographs. He has experimented with printing on different materials such as different types of plywood and unique metals. His works have been shown in Galleries and Shows all over Toronto.