Creating an inclusive environment at your school goes beyond lesson plans. Here are some additional tools and resources for teaching about access and inclusion.
Educational Priorities
The Rick Hansen Foundation School Program (RHFSP) incorporates themes into its offerings to support youth in becoming accessibility leaders within their school and communities. These themes, commonly identified in provincial and territorial educational competencies, principles or skills across Canada, are incorporated throughout the program, including in educational resources, activities, presentations and workshops.
Canadian Provincial and Territorial Ministries of Education commonly outline broad competencies, skills, or principles they aim to instill in students throughout their Kindergarten to Grade 12 education. Although the comprehensive sets of priorities are unique to each region, common themes across ministries include collaboration, inclusion, citizenship and social responsibility. These are all competencies that are cornerstones of the Rick Hansen Foundation School Program educational resources. Through implementation of our educational content, educators will not only teach students about accessibility and inclusion but will also meet additional objectives of their respective ministry of education.

Collaboration and relationships - Students demonstrate sensitivity and respect for diversity when working with others to achieve a common goal. Students recognize how combining others’ perspectives and efforts with their own enhances collective understanding and impact.

Critical thinking - Students recognize how their thoughts, words, or actions affect others and themselves. Students reflect critically on thinking processes used and acknowledge assumptions.

Equity and inclusion - Students learn through an equity focus which prevents and prohibits discrimination. Students contribute to welcoming, safe and respectful learning environments.

Personal growth - Students have a strong sense of self, belonging and well-being. Students perform multiple attempts and encourage others to persist with challenging tasks .

Social awareness and citizenship - Students contribute to the quality of their environment, communities, and society. Students advocate for themselves and members of their communities.